Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ancient gear deck

Ancient Gear Deck



Heavy storm

2 mystical space typhoon

3 geartown


Card destruction

Ancient gear castle

Limiter removal

Monster reborn

Dark hole

Ancient gear workshop

Double cyclone


Dust tornado

2 malevolent catastrophe

Mirror force

Torrential tribute

Magical hats

Call of the haunted

Magic cylinder


2 cyber dragon

Meklord emperor wisel

3 ancient gear gadjiltron dragon

Unknown synchron

2 yellow gadget

2 red gadget

2 green gadgetancient gear engineer

Ancient gear gadjiltron chimera

2 Ancient gear beast

Note: This deck’s most powerful combo is to use magical hats to pick a monster and two field spell gear town, destroy them and summon two gadjiltron dragon at 3000 atk points each. Or destroy your geartown with another spell card or trap like malevolent catastrophe which gives you the gadjiltron dragon. Geartown also lets you summon upper level gear monsters without tribute. I added the unknown synchron just in case you needed a synchro.

Yugioh side deck

Side deck:

2 kinetic soldier

d.d. crow

kycoo the ghost destroyer

2 mystical space typhoon

Intercept wave

Smashing ground

System down

Soul release

Dimensional prison

Mind crush

Imperial iron wall

Divine wrath


Note: This is my side deck that I use for every one of my decks, it has intercept wave for countering synchros, kycoo to remove, d.d. crow for monster effects that activate in the graveyard, kinetic soldier for six samurai deck, smashing ground for defense deck, system down for going against machine deck, dimensional prison to remove stardust, imperial iron wall for marco deck, ceasefire for morphing jar deck out deck, and divine wrath again for monsters like shooting star dragon, so it has pretty much a little for every deck you might run across.

Harpie lady deck

Harpie deck:


Infernal reckless summon

Heavy storm

Monster reborn

Dark hole

Book of moon

3 harpies’ hunting ground

3 elegant egotist


Mirror force

Torrential tribute

Hysteric party

2 Call of the haunted

2 Aqua chorus

2 icarus attack


Flying kamakiri #1

Harpie’s pet baby dragon

3 harpie lady sisters

3 harpie lady 1

3 harpie lady 2

3 harpie lady 3

2 mist valley soldier

1 blackwing gale the whirlwind

3 harpie queen

Extra deck:

Chimeratech fortress dragon

t.g. hyper librarian

ally of justice catastor

brionac dragon of the ice barrier

black rose dragon

stardust dragon

Scrap dragon

Red dragon archfiend

Colossal fighter

Trishula dragon of the ice barrier

Mist wurm

Number 17 leviathan dragon

Number 39: utopia

Wind up zenmaister

Note: A harpie deck really shines when you use harpie’s hunting ground, but if it is the only spell or trap card on the field, it would be destroyed by its own effect when a harpie is summoned, so make sure you let your opponent lay down some cards first then summon some harpies to activate the field card’s effect to destroy one spell or trap on the field. With so many monsters with harpies in their name, there is a lot of combos to be done. You can swarm the field with harpies by using hysteric party or infernal reckless summon easily, this deck is not to be dealt lightly.

Resonator/ Red dragon archfiend deck

Resonator Deck


Resonator engine


Resonator call

2 Mystical space typhoon

Smashing ground

Swords of revealing light

Card destruction

Heavy storm

Monster reborn

Dark hole


Starlight road

Bottomless trap hole

Torrential tribute

2 Red carpet

Call of the haunted

Trap hole

Compulsory evacuation device

Mirror force


3 dark resonator

2 barrier resonator

1 force resonator

3 clock resonator

3 cyber dragon

3 mystic tomato

Breaker the magical warrior

2 the tricky

cosmic compass

Gorz the emissary of darkness

Extra deck:

2 red dragon archfiend

Nova dragon

Chimeratech fortress dragon

ally of justice catastor

brionac dragon of the ice barrier

black rose dragon

stardust dragon

Scrap dragon

Colossal fighter

Trishula dragon of the ice barrier

Number 17 leviathan dragon

Number 39: utopia

Wind up zenmaister

Note: I had some resonator cards, so why not make a resonator deck, of course this is Jack Atlas’s favorite and the whole goal of the deck is to quickly summon red dragon archfiend and with my build, you can easily special summon cyber dragon or the tricky then normal summon a level three tuner to summon red dragon archfiend. I left out flare resonator since his effect isn’t that good, but really it is because I don’t have that card, but this deck should be good against other power decks.

Brand new wind up deck

Wind up deck


Monster Reborn

Heavy storm

Dark hole

Wind-up factory

3 legendary wind up key

Smashing ground

Book of moon

Mystical space typhoon

Swords of revealing light


Call of the haunted

Bottomless trap hole

Torrential tribute

Mirror force

Xyz veil

2 Overwind

2 Utopian aura


3 Bri synchron

3 wind up juggler

3 wind up soldier

3 wind up dog

3 wind up snail

3 wind up magician

2 goblindbergh

Extra deck:

Chimeratech fortress dragon

t.g. hyper librarian

ally of justice catastor

brionac dragon of the ice barrier

black rose dragon

stardust dragon

Scrap dragon

Red dragon archfiend

Colossal fighter

Trishula dragon of the ice barrier

Mist wurm

Number 17 leviathan dragon

Number 39: utopia

Wind up zenmaister

Note: This deck is not complete because many of the good wind up cards such as wind up knight, wind up kitten, and wind up bat are still only found in Japan, once they have been released in the US, I will certainly come up with a newly improved deck. However this deck has some awesome combos, if you have goblindbergh and bri synchron in your hand, you can immediately summon a level 8 synchro or use wind up magician and wind up juggler to exceed summon wind up zenmaister. This is the first deck list that I gave a complete extra deck, it does take more time for a complete extra deck since you need to think about what cards would fit for each deck, but I’ll try to do it more often, thanks, peace out.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Elemental hero deck

Elemental Hero deck


Fusion gate

Dark hole


Skyscraper 2 hero city


Card destruction

3 E-emergency call

Monster Reborn

3 miracle fusion

Future fusion

Mystical space typhoon

Heavy storm

Reinforcement of the army


Starlight road

Bottomless trap hole

Call of the haunted

Royal decree

Torrential tribute

Mirror force


The earth- hex sealed fusion

Elemental hero heat

3 Elemental hero ocean

3 evil hero infernal prodigy

Elemental hero voltic

Gorz the emissary of darkness

Elemental hero stratos

3 elemental hero wildheart

3 elemental hero neos alius

Extra deck:

3 elemental hero the shining

3 elemental hero absolute zero

Elemental hero gaia

Vision hero trinity

Vision hero adoration

Note: This deck is all about using the most powerful elemental hero fusion monsters, and it has some of the best effect elemental hero monsters. I really like sky scraper 2 hero city which lets me special summon elemental hero monsters destroyed by battle, the emergency call and reinforcement of the army would be best used on stratos or ocean. I’ll consider using another starlight road to protect my spells.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ice barrier deck

Ice barrier deck:


Water hazard

Magic triangle of the ice barrier

Medallion of the ice barrier

Moray of greed

2 swords of revealing light

2 nightmare’s steelcage

Monster reborn

Mystical space typhoon

Dark hole



Threatening roar

Torrential tribute

Trap hole

2 Call of the haunted

2 spiritual water art-aoi


Medium of the ice barrier

3 spellbreaker of the ice barrier

2 strategist of the ice barrier

3 cryomancer of the ice barrier

General gantala of the ice barrier

Reese the ice mistress

Mother grizzly

2 caravan of the ice barrier

3 dance princess of the ice barrier

2 dai-sojo of the ice barrier

Samurai of the ice barrier

Pilgrim of the ice barrier

Extra deck

2 Dewloren, tiger king of the ice barrier

Note: With this deck I try to summon dewloren as fast as possible and then activate swords of revealing light or nightmare steel cage to completely stop the opponent from attacking and use dewloren’s effect to return the spell cards to my hand when it is time for me to attack. This is a great strategy, but I know there are other combos you can think of with this deck.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Immortal/ malefic deck

Malefic Earthbound immortals  deck:


Dark Hole

Monster Reborn

2 forbidden lance

Mystical space typhoon

3 terraforming

2 savage colosseum

2 mystic plasma zone

3 mausoleum of the emperor


Torrential tribute

Return from the different dimension

3 Skill drain

Solemn judgment

Call of the haunted

Starlight road

Mirror force


3 beast king barbarous

3 Malefic truth dragon

3 malefic cyber end dragon

3 malefic stardust dragon

Earthbound immortal chacu challhua

Earthbound immortal cusillu

Earthbound immortal aslla piscu

Earthbound immortal ccarayhua

Note: With this deck I am just relying on being able to draw a field card or skill drain to summon my powerful monsters. Malefic monsters are really easy to summon and skill drain could save them from their self destruct mechanism when the field spell card is gone. I figure will I am running several field spell cards, I might as well run mausoleum of the emperor which allows me to summon earthbound immortals, hope you have fun with this deck.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Banishing anti-meta deck

Banishing anti-meta deck:


Smashing ground

2 mystical space typhoon

3 dimensional fissure

Monster reborn

Reinforcement of the army

Swords of revealing light

Dark hole


2 bottomless trap hole

2 dimensional prison

Royal oppression

Mirror force

Return from the different dimension

2 macro cosmos


Morphing jar

Neo-spacian grand mole

Kycoo the ghost destroyer

3 d.d survivor

Spirit reaper

Breaker the magical warrior

3 caius the shadow monarch

3 thunder king rai-oh

2 d.d. warrior lady

Gorz the emissary of darkness

2 banisher of the radiance

2 cyber dragon

Note: This deck relies on d.d. survivor to come back again and again when banished, but it has other strong monsters and cards that are good against most decks that relies heavily on the graveyard. Macro cosmos and dimensional fissure plus banisher of the radiance will put a stop to popular decks like Gemini-plants that want to summon from the graveyard but will be unable to dealing with this deck. Also for fun, I am trying to holo out this deck as much as possible. J

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dragunity deck

Dragunity deck


Monster reborn

Card destruction

Foolish burial

2 Mystical space typhoon

Cards of consonance

2 dragon ravine

Dark hole

2 stamping destructions


Dimensional prison

Call of the haunted

Starlight road

2 bottomless trap hole

Mirror force

2 icarus attack

Torrential tribute


Dragunity primus pilus

Dragunity militum

2 dragunity aklys

2 dragunity arma leyvaten

2 dragunity arma mystletainn

2 dragunity brandistock

Dragunity darkspear

Dragunity javelin

2 dragunity dux

2 dragunity legionnaire

3 masked dragon

Extra deck:

Dragunity knight-trident

Dragunity knight vajrayana

Dragunity knight barcha

Dragunity knight gae dearg

Trident dragon

Note: A lot of this deck are in twos because I only got two of the dragunity starter decks and didn’t want to get another one, but if you can, put in three dragunity ravines, it will really speed up the deck. I’m still not to familiar with this deck, but the goal is to equip monsters to monsters as many time as possible to power them up.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Another wednesday

I haven't been up to much lately. I like to sleep a lot, but this fall I'll be taking research methods and statistics, the last two psychology classes I need before I transfer to cal state fullerton. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Another Wednesday

Today I have finished my summer school. My two summer classes were cross cultural psychology and information systems, I'm pretty sure I got an A in both classes. I have only dueled once at school since I do not have much time in between the two classes. I could stay a little longer after the two classes, but I don't want to. My favorite deck is still the samurai deck since with that deck I can summon powerful monsters like grandmaster or sho gun without tributing monsters. I do great with that deck. However, I have built more current deck like T.G. and Fabled which I have posted. I will be taking psychology statistics and research methods in the fall and hopefully transfering to Calstate Fullerton soon, wish me luck. Also, my roommate Phil is looking for an IT job, and I want any job, so e-mail me at if you can help out. Thanks a lot.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fabled deck

Fabled deck:


book of moon

mage power

card destruction

2 mystical space typhoon

Dark hole

Monster reborn

One for one


2 Karma cut

Destruction jammer

Call of the haunted

Starlight road

Beckoning light

Torrential tribute

Mirror force


2 Fabled gallabas

The fabled ganashia

Fabled ashenveil

Fabled krus

Morphing jar

The fabled cerburrel

Fabled grimro

3 the fabled nozoochee

2 fabled kushano

The fabled peggulsus

3 fabled lurrie

Fabled oltro

2 fabled urustos

3 the fabled chawa



Fabled Leviathan

2 Fabled Ragin

The fabled unicore

The fabled kudabbi

Note: The fabled monsters are like dark world monsters in that the goal is to discard these monsters from the hand to the graveyard, but fabled monsters usually have lower attack points. These fabled monsters however have a good effect of being able to activate themselves by saying discarding one fabled monster to special summon another, then the discarded fabled monster would have the effect of being summon by its own effect as well. They do have powerful synchros, which is how they can compete with a dark world deck, but consider putting in fables and dark world together so you get the benefit of summoning powerful dark world monsters and using synchros if you need more options as there are many fabled tuners that can be easily summon when discarded. Currently I have a stand alone dark world deck and a stand alone fabled deck, I feel this way my cards can really help each other out. I heard of weird combinations like a part lightsworn and blackwing deck and I found that lightsworn needs other lightsworns, and blackwing need other blackwings to do its best, so that is why I am reluctant to mix archtypes. Some archtypes such as a Gemini and plant deck however, can be a lot of fun and be powerful as well, so I’m not saying how to make you own deck, just adjust it to your own play style.

Tech genus deck

Tech Genus Deck


Smashing ground

Mind control

Dark hole

2 mystical space typhoon

Monster reborn

Reinforcement of the army

Book of moon

2 tgx 300



Dust tornado

Torrential tribute

Bottomless trap hole

Call of the haunted

Mirror force




Neo-Spacian Grand mole

Spirit reaper


Giant rat


3 t.g. catapult dragon

3 t.g. cyber magician

3 t.g. striker

3 t.g. warwolf

t.g. jet falcon

3 t.g. rush rhino


1 t.g. recipro dragonfly

2 t.g. wonder magician

3 t.g. power gladiator

3 t.g. blade blaster

2 t.g. halberd cannon

Note: This deck’s best card is probably T.g. cyber magician which allows a synchro summon without having all the synchro material monsters on the field. If you like, add some more traps and take away some of the non t.g. monsters. The t.g. synchro monsters have great effects as well as having blade blaster and halberd cannon being really powerful synchros without the need for the required synchro material monsters to be t.g. However, halberd cannon and blade blaster are still only good for t.g. decks as their best effects requires t.g. monsters in the graveyard. Also, t.g. halberd cannon’s effect cannot be used to resummons itself, since it says it can only be summoned by a synchro summon, so you have to pick another t.g. monster in the graveyard.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Beware of the fall of the dollar

The US cannot simply keep printing money the way it has been doing. We are printing money as if paper grows on trees :) Anyway, seriously, other countries are slowly dumping dollars and buying up resources, most notable example  being China. Soon, the world will move to a new currency, possibly one created by the IMF, if US does not control its deficits and continue to print money and devaluing the dollar. When that day comes, there will be reckoning apocalypse style. As the purchasing power of the dollar drops and as US continues to cover bad debts of others and creating the biggest bunch of debts in the history of civilization, we are heading down a dangerous road of a dramatically lowered standard of living for Americans. Although stocks may fall in value as well, it will be a perfect time for investors to make record profits by trading in diverse funds such as exchange traded funds. I am hoping someone in America will lead America out of the coming economic crisis by imposing austerity measures now, cutting spending, control the deficit, and stop printing money like its free. Hopefully the days of riots in the streets such as Greece is experiencing right now will never happen in America, but you been warned, however continue to invest in renewable energy stocks and have some cash on hand for when the stock market crashes, which it is about time overdue. Those who can pick up the pieces of stocks will be glad they did.

Yugioh Fabled deck


Fabled Grimro

The Fabled Nozoochee x3 

The Fabled Chawa x3

The Fabled Peggulsus x3

Fabled Kushano x3

Fabled Lurrie x3

Fabled Oltro x2

Fabled Urustos x3

Morphing Jar


Dark hole
Monster Reborn

Swords of Revealing Light

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Book of Moon

Card Destruction

Smashing Ground

Giant Trunade

One for One – Rare


Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Beckoning Light

Starlight Road – Rare

Magic Jammer X3
Fabled Leviathan
Fabled Ragin
This deck is based on special summoning monster by discarding from the hand, but it is a little different from dark world, Fabled monsters usually have effects that lets you discard them by themselvers, but it is still good to put in cards that can discard more. However, most of the effect monsters right now are a bit weak, but they do have good synchros that you can easily summon, I just bought this deck so I am not sure how it will hope up, I'm not about to win any tournaments with it, but it is just a fun deck.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Mom

Here is a picture of my mom, she passed away 2004 :( 
I was depress for several weeks after that. 

Another Wednesday

Don't have much time now, Information system class and psychology class requires a lot of work. I haven't been to Card Rush since I moved to Rowland Heights in April 13, 2011. I still play Yugioh at school sometimes. However, I been building new decks. I discover Google voice which allows people to have a free phone number and make free phone calls in the US. You should try it :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another thursday

Sorry I haven't been updating as regularly, but hey who am I apologizing to, its not like anyone actually reads this:) Anyway, I started summer classes this Monday, and even know I am only taking two classes cross cultural psychology and information systems, I got a whole bunch of reading and quizzes to do. Plus some essays. Looks like I will be quite busy for a while. I did bring my newly built fairy deck and my old six samurai deck to school during the week but there isn't time between the two classes to play and after class is over, I just want to get home. I did talk to financial aid office and a counselor, will be getting some financial aid and looks like I will be able to take the two psy classes I need to take for my major. I got a whole bunch of work to do, so wish me luck. I also have to go to work at McDonalds...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Agent fairy deck

Agent Fairy deck


Mist body

2 mystical space typhoon

2 valhalla hall of the fallen

Smashing ground

3 the sanctuary in the sky


Monster reborn

Dark hole


2 divine punishment

Torrential tribute

Miraculous descent

Call of the haunted

Mirror force

Bottomless trap hole



Trust guardian

Tethys, goddess of light


Soul of purity and light

2 Airknight parshath

Splendid venus

The agent of force mars

2 The agent of miracles Jupiter

2 the agent of mystery earth

Master hyperion

Banisher of the radiance

Nova summoner


2 zeradias, herald of heaven

2 hecatrice

Note, this deck is what I thought a good deck using the new Lost Sanctuary deck box should be, I am not relying too much on master hyperion, but instead on summoning my powerful light monsters with Valhalla. I have only bought two of the lost sanctuary boxes, but I do recommend buying more as it has great staples like solemn judgment, torrential tribute and otherwise hard to get cards such as burial from a different dimension and airknight parshath.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another wednesday

I went to the library in Rowland Heights today, got a new library card to replace the old one for only three dollars. I spent some time reading the DC comic book Crisis on Infinite Earth. It was very good. Then I checked out two books. I came home and ate food with Chris and Luke, my two roommates. I should say that Chris is kind of like Luke's stepfather, not that Luke ever calls him dad. That's it for now, going to try to finish reading the two books before school starts next week.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

X-men first class

So after work, i bought some stuff from wal-mart after depositing my check. Then I went to hk2 market and bought some more food and a rice cooker. After that I decided to go to the mall, just to walk around, found out Border's is closed and while walking around I met my friend Bob, he was meeting others to see the x-men movie. So I decided to join, I wanted to see that movie too. So now I'll talk about the x-men first class movie. Very good! The movie starts with an previous scene with Magneto pulling metal gates while nazi soldiers try to hold him back. Then this doctor killed Magneto's mother in front of him which caused him to use his power fully. Xavier meets Mystique while she was a young girl and lets her live with him. In the mean time, Magneto had grown up and was still looking for the doctor. While the doctor, had the power to absorb energy and release it back and he wanted to cause nuclear war between US and Russia so that mutants could rise from the chaos and he could rule them. The doctor had already found other allies, Emma Frost who is a psychic, and a guy that can teleport and another guy who can create typhoons. The doctor was killed by Magneto and Magneto stole the doctor's helmet, that protected him from psychics. US and Russia decided to bomb the mutants with their ships, but Magneto stop the missiles and wanted to use the missiles to destroy all the ships, but Xavier tackle him down, in the chaos, Xavier was shot by a normal human agent when a bullet that was aimed for Magneto was deflected by Magneto. So that is how Xavier became a cripple. That is about it, the movie is really interesting and filled with non stop action, I personally enjoyed it very much, and I hope you do too.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Anthony Weiner

I think Congressman Anthony Weiner has shown he fits right in the environment of US congress. He lies, cheats then deny everything to even the President without so much as blinking an eye. His sociopathy ways would make him a valuable member of congress if we can just direct his energy toward cutting budgets and building infrastructure. Seriously, guys like him gets jobs done. Still I think his wife could do better than being married to a jerk, she has made a bad choice, and unless she condones cheating, she should find a new man, pregnant or not.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Another Thursday

I slept for most of today. Now I'm listening to John and Kent on KFI AM 640. I played basketball on Monday and rested the other days as my leg was sore. School at Fullerton college starts for me on June 20, 2011. So I have some more free time, I have enough time to do more paintings, but I only made one so far these past couple of days. I am not sure what to do with my degree, I am hoping something will fall into my lap, but of course I know if I really want something, I have to take action myself. Still hoping I will discover what I like to do for a career soon, it would be cool if I got an entertainment gig. I will just finish my college education first. Still waiting for my diploma from Cypress to arrive :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This is Tuesday

Now that I have nothing to do, I have been sleeping a lot more. Play some basketball, and watched some news. It is interesting how every news station give different parts of the same story. If you can, listen and watch as many different news sources as you can to get the complete picture. I just heard Donald Trump saying how Anthony Weiner is just a really bad guy on KFI. KFI AM 640 is my favorite station to listen to. I like watching channel seven ABC news as well. I found KFI has much more information on a subject though, but they cover different subjects a lot of the time. I have ordered the 30 sec smile tooth brush system, it cost about seventy bucks, but comes with its own tooth whitening system which they say is a 300 dollar value for free. Haven't tried the whitening system yet, but the tooth brush is easy to use and there isn't much bleeding which they warned would happen as the new tooth brush gets areas missed before. The electric tooth brush actually makes you want to brush longer but with its design, you suppose to only use it for thirty seconds. It runs on double A batteries and is pretty neat.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

x saber deck

X-saber deck


Dark hole

Smashing ground

2 Mystical space typhoon

Saber slash

Monster reborn

Book of moon

Mind control


Call of the haunted

2 saber holes

Starlight road

Dimensional prison

2 bottomless trap hole

2 gottoms’ emergency call

Compulsory evacuation device

Torrential tribute

Mirror force

Morphing jar

2 xx saber ragigura

2 xx saber darksoul

3 xx saber fulhemknight

3 xx saber faultroll

2 xx saber emmersblade

2 x saber pashuul

3 xx saber boggart knight

2 x saber airbellum

Extra deck: 2 x saber urbellum, 2 xx saber hyunlei, 2 xx- saber gottoms

Note: This deck is based on swarming the field and making your opponent discard from the hand. With the many tuner monsters In this deck, mind control is a must so you can take your opponent’s monster and synchro with it. If you want more speed, consider removing the morphing jar or/and adding in a card destruction to get more monsters in the graveyard to use gottom’s emergency call. With faultroll you can pull off whats know as Faultroll’s loop, first summon gottoms, and summon faultroll and use faultroll’s effect to summon ragigura, use ragigura to get back a faultroll from the graveyard and special summon that faultroll as well, then use gottom’s effect to sacrifice ragigura to make your opponent discard from hand. Then sacrifice the faultroll that had its effect activated already with gottoms effect as well, and use the newly summon faultroll to bring back ragigura and use ragigura’s effect to bring the faultroll in the graveyard back. Then special summon the new faultroll and sacrifice ragigura and the spent faultroll again by gottoms effect and repeat by using the new faultroll to bring back ragigura, repeat until your opponent’s hand is empty. It is a easy combo once you get a hand of it, and the hardest part would be getting gottoms on the field which you can by summoning a faultroll, use faultroll’s effect to bring back a level three tuner and synchro with the two monsters. This is one of my best decks, you can also easily summon hyunlei and clear the back field by summoning boggart knight and pashuul in one move with boggartknight’s effect. Faultroll’s loop used to work with mass driver, mass driver is a spell that lets you sacrifice one of your monsters to do 500 pts of damage to your opponent, as you can see that spell is now banned due to its powerful effect.