Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ancient gear deck

Ancient Gear Deck



Heavy storm

2 mystical space typhoon

3 geartown


Card destruction

Ancient gear castle

Limiter removal

Monster reborn

Dark hole

Ancient gear workshop

Double cyclone


Dust tornado

2 malevolent catastrophe

Mirror force

Torrential tribute

Magical hats

Call of the haunted

Magic cylinder


2 cyber dragon

Meklord emperor wisel

3 ancient gear gadjiltron dragon

Unknown synchron

2 yellow gadget

2 red gadget

2 green gadgetancient gear engineer

Ancient gear gadjiltron chimera

2 Ancient gear beast

Note: This deck’s most powerful combo is to use magical hats to pick a monster and two field spell gear town, destroy them and summon two gadjiltron dragon at 3000 atk points each. Or destroy your geartown with another spell card or trap like malevolent catastrophe which gives you the gadjiltron dragon. Geartown also lets you summon upper level gear monsters without tribute. I added the unknown synchron just in case you needed a synchro.

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