Sunday, September 25, 2011

Resonator/ Red dragon archfiend deck

Resonator Deck


Resonator engine


Resonator call

2 Mystical space typhoon

Smashing ground

Swords of revealing light

Card destruction

Heavy storm

Monster reborn

Dark hole


Starlight road

Bottomless trap hole

Torrential tribute

2 Red carpet

Call of the haunted

Trap hole

Compulsory evacuation device

Mirror force


3 dark resonator

2 barrier resonator

1 force resonator

3 clock resonator

3 cyber dragon

3 mystic tomato

Breaker the magical warrior

2 the tricky

cosmic compass

Gorz the emissary of darkness

Extra deck:

2 red dragon archfiend

Nova dragon

Chimeratech fortress dragon

ally of justice catastor

brionac dragon of the ice barrier

black rose dragon

stardust dragon

Scrap dragon

Colossal fighter

Trishula dragon of the ice barrier

Number 17 leviathan dragon

Number 39: utopia

Wind up zenmaister

Note: I had some resonator cards, so why not make a resonator deck, of course this is Jack Atlas’s favorite and the whole goal of the deck is to quickly summon red dragon archfiend and with my build, you can easily special summon cyber dragon or the tricky then normal summon a level three tuner to summon red dragon archfiend. I left out flare resonator since his effect isn’t that good, but really it is because I don’t have that card, but this deck should be good against other power decks.

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