Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

I was in the National Guards for a couple month, yet I feel nothing for this Memorial Day. I do respect our veterans and I think our soldiers have done a great service for this country. I just hope this country is in the right direction. I wanted to honor someone too, so I uploaded a picture of my Dad, Tgse Hsung Chang. Sure, he was never in the US military, but he was a cop and had been in the Taiwanese military which is an ally of US. He is still alive today and I wish him the best. Honor our veterans and show appreciation for all they did, which is what this day is about.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday this week

I went to work at 6 am today and work only six hours, till noon. My work at McDonald's is fun, but not that great, I do mostly chores like cleaning tables and sweeping the floors. Though I like taking out the trash and I always for several weeks now stomp down the trash in the dumpster. Right now I am worry about the coming dollar crisis. I heard from the radio that stansberry has a shocking revelation and should turn to the website named on the radio to protect ourselves. His geist is that our debt is just going to get too big, and we have to find other investments other than the dollar since other nations are trying to move away from the dollar as well. I think his facts are solid, nations like China, are using the dollar to buy as much actual material such as gold and copper, or companies like Volvo to be ahead in the coming crisis. He say it is definitely going to hurt a lot of people as our dollar is inflating, even know no one wants to admit it. Of course his ultimate goal is for you to buy his investing books and information. If you want to hear him talk, go to His speech is pretty long, but take a listen. Also, I will start posting more yugioh  deck lists.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Here are some good sites for watching anime for free 

These sites are all one hundred percent free, but you can only watch usually 72 minutes at a time. So get a couple of these sites going and you can finish a great Naruto movie by switching between sites and then fast fowarding.


I just created this site today, May 28, 2011. I am a McDonald's crew member, college student, and avid Yugioh duelist, I have posted decks I have, I will post deck list for everyone to see what a deck should look like. If you like my site, please link up, so thank you and welcome.

Hopeless dragon deck

Hopeless Dragon Deck:


Stamping destruction


Dragon’s mirror

2 Mystical space typhoon

Dark hole

Gold sarcophagus

Burial from a different dimension

Ancient rules

2 cards of consonance

Future fusion

Monster reborn

Miracle dig


Torrential tribute

Starlight road

2 bottomless trap hole

Mirror force

Dimensional prison

Call of the haunted


3 blue-eyes white dragon

3 red-eyes darkness metal dragon

Dread dragon

Debris dragon

Prime material dragon

3 red-eyes wyvern

Exploder dragon

3 The white stone of legend

Totem dragon

2 masked dragon

Extra deck needs 2 blue-eyes ultimate dragon and 2 five headed dragon

frog monarch deck

Frog Monarch Deck


Nobleman of crossout

2 nobleman of extermination

Book of moon

2 mystical space typhoon

2 soul exchange

Monster reborn

Foolish burial


Dark hole


Torrential tribute


Dark dust spirit

Yamata dragon

Gorz the emissary of darkness

Thestalos the firestorm monarch

3 Caius the shadow monarch

2 raiza the storm monarch

2 mobius the frost monarch

2 cyber dragon

Morphing jar

Fishborg blaster


Battle fader

Neo spacian grand mole

3 dupe frog

3 swap frog

3 treeborn frog


Gravekeeper deck

Gravekeeper Deck:


Book of moon

2 Royal tribute

Swords of revealing light

2 mystical space typhoon

Dark hole

3 gravekeeper’s stele

Nobleman crossout

Nobleman extermination

3 necrovalle


Mirror force

Torrential tribute

Trap hole

2 compulsory evacuation device

2 bottomless trap hole

Deck devastation virus


Gravekeeper’s visionary

Mist valley soldier

Spirit reaper

2 gravekeeper’s guard

Gravekeeper’s chief

3 gravekeeper’s descendant

3 gravekeeper’s spy

2 gravekeeper’s recruiter

3 gravekeeper’s commandant

Scrap deck

Scrap Deck:


2 scrapyard

2 scrapstorm

2 guts of steel

Dark hole

2 mystical space typhoon

Monster reborn

Mind control

Giant trunade


Bottomless trap hole

Torrential tribute

2 compulsory evacuation device

Mirror force

Starlight road

2 dust tornado

Dimensional prison

Call of the haunted

Gorz the emissary of darkness

Summoner monk

Scrap recycler

Scrap mind reader

2 scrap golem

3 scrap beast

3 scrap chimera

Scrap searcher

3 Scrap goblin

2 cyber dragon

Samurai deck

Samurai deck:


Monster Reborn

2 six samurai united

3 shien’s smoke signal

2 mystical space typhoon

Gateway of the six


Reinforcement of the army

Dark hole


2 starlight road

Call of the haunted

Torrential tribute

2 bottomless trap hole

Double-edged sword technique

Dimensional prison

Mirror force


The six samurai zanji

3 kagemusha of the six samurai

3 legendary six samurai kageki

3 legendary six samurai kizan

Hand of the six samurai

3 grandmaster of the six samurai

2 great shogun shien

Legendary six samurai mizuho

Legendary six samurai shinai

Enishi, shien’s chancellor

Note side deck must include 2 shi en

Another Saturday

Just got off work, went out to eat with Meilin, had a good talk. Meilin Ho is one of my closest friends, her son is Gilbert and is only a year older than me. Meilin says to give me some of her son's jeans that are too small for him now. I much appreciate it, I had offered to pay for the meal, but Meilin insisted on paying since she earns more than me. She is a really nice person. I had beef noodle stew and a boba drink, and Meilin also had a boba drink, she gave most of what she ordered to eat away. I got her food since she wasn't hungry, she put her chicen and rice in a to go box just for me. :). I am going to go to McDonald to work early tomorrow. Remember, we now have the strawberry lemonade drink, and I think we will have another new drink soon. That's it for today, this is actually my first post, I will be posting often, keeping as a online journal for others to view. Please comment, thank you.