Sunday, November 17, 2013

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ancient gear deck

Ancient Gear Deck



Heavy storm

2 mystical space typhoon

3 geartown


Card destruction

Ancient gear castle

Limiter removal

Monster reborn

Dark hole

Ancient gear workshop

Double cyclone


Dust tornado

2 malevolent catastrophe

Mirror force

Torrential tribute

Magical hats

Call of the haunted

Magic cylinder


2 cyber dragon

Meklord emperor wisel

3 ancient gear gadjiltron dragon

Unknown synchron

2 yellow gadget

2 red gadget

2 green gadgetancient gear engineer

Ancient gear gadjiltron chimera

2 Ancient gear beast

Note: This deck’s most powerful combo is to use magical hats to pick a monster and two field spell gear town, destroy them and summon two gadjiltron dragon at 3000 atk points each. Or destroy your geartown with another spell card or trap like malevolent catastrophe which gives you the gadjiltron dragon. Geartown also lets you summon upper level gear monsters without tribute. I added the unknown synchron just in case you needed a synchro.

Yugioh side deck

Side deck:

2 kinetic soldier

d.d. crow

kycoo the ghost destroyer

2 mystical space typhoon

Intercept wave

Smashing ground

System down

Soul release

Dimensional prison

Mind crush

Imperial iron wall

Divine wrath


Note: This is my side deck that I use for every one of my decks, it has intercept wave for countering synchros, kycoo to remove, d.d. crow for monster effects that activate in the graveyard, kinetic soldier for six samurai deck, smashing ground for defense deck, system down for going against machine deck, dimensional prison to remove stardust, imperial iron wall for marco deck, ceasefire for morphing jar deck out deck, and divine wrath again for monsters like shooting star dragon, so it has pretty much a little for every deck you might run across.

Harpie lady deck

Harpie deck:


Infernal reckless summon

Heavy storm

Monster reborn

Dark hole

Book of moon

3 harpies’ hunting ground

3 elegant egotist


Mirror force

Torrential tribute

Hysteric party

2 Call of the haunted

2 Aqua chorus

2 icarus attack


Flying kamakiri #1

Harpie’s pet baby dragon

3 harpie lady sisters

3 harpie lady 1

3 harpie lady 2

3 harpie lady 3

2 mist valley soldier

1 blackwing gale the whirlwind

3 harpie queen

Extra deck:

Chimeratech fortress dragon

t.g. hyper librarian

ally of justice catastor

brionac dragon of the ice barrier

black rose dragon

stardust dragon

Scrap dragon

Red dragon archfiend

Colossal fighter

Trishula dragon of the ice barrier

Mist wurm

Number 17 leviathan dragon

Number 39: utopia

Wind up zenmaister

Note: A harpie deck really shines when you use harpie’s hunting ground, but if it is the only spell or trap card on the field, it would be destroyed by its own effect when a harpie is summoned, so make sure you let your opponent lay down some cards first then summon some harpies to activate the field card’s effect to destroy one spell or trap on the field. With so many monsters with harpies in their name, there is a lot of combos to be done. You can swarm the field with harpies by using hysteric party or infernal reckless summon easily, this deck is not to be dealt lightly.

Resonator/ Red dragon archfiend deck

Resonator Deck


Resonator engine


Resonator call

2 Mystical space typhoon

Smashing ground

Swords of revealing light

Card destruction

Heavy storm

Monster reborn

Dark hole


Starlight road

Bottomless trap hole

Torrential tribute

2 Red carpet

Call of the haunted

Trap hole

Compulsory evacuation device

Mirror force


3 dark resonator

2 barrier resonator

1 force resonator

3 clock resonator

3 cyber dragon

3 mystic tomato

Breaker the magical warrior

2 the tricky

cosmic compass

Gorz the emissary of darkness

Extra deck:

2 red dragon archfiend

Nova dragon

Chimeratech fortress dragon

ally of justice catastor

brionac dragon of the ice barrier

black rose dragon

stardust dragon

Scrap dragon

Colossal fighter

Trishula dragon of the ice barrier

Number 17 leviathan dragon

Number 39: utopia

Wind up zenmaister

Note: I had some resonator cards, so why not make a resonator deck, of course this is Jack Atlas’s favorite and the whole goal of the deck is to quickly summon red dragon archfiend and with my build, you can easily special summon cyber dragon or the tricky then normal summon a level three tuner to summon red dragon archfiend. I left out flare resonator since his effect isn’t that good, but really it is because I don’t have that card, but this deck should be good against other power decks.

Brand new wind up deck

Wind up deck


Monster Reborn

Heavy storm

Dark hole

Wind-up factory

3 legendary wind up key

Smashing ground

Book of moon

Mystical space typhoon

Swords of revealing light


Call of the haunted

Bottomless trap hole

Torrential tribute

Mirror force

Xyz veil

2 Overwind

2 Utopian aura


3 Bri synchron

3 wind up juggler

3 wind up soldier

3 wind up dog

3 wind up snail

3 wind up magician

2 goblindbergh

Extra deck:

Chimeratech fortress dragon

t.g. hyper librarian

ally of justice catastor

brionac dragon of the ice barrier

black rose dragon

stardust dragon

Scrap dragon

Red dragon archfiend

Colossal fighter

Trishula dragon of the ice barrier

Mist wurm

Number 17 leviathan dragon

Number 39: utopia

Wind up zenmaister

Note: This deck is not complete because many of the good wind up cards such as wind up knight, wind up kitten, and wind up bat are still only found in Japan, once they have been released in the US, I will certainly come up with a newly improved deck. However this deck has some awesome combos, if you have goblindbergh and bri synchron in your hand, you can immediately summon a level 8 synchro or use wind up magician and wind up juggler to exceed summon wind up zenmaister. This is the first deck list that I gave a complete extra deck, it does take more time for a complete extra deck since you need to think about what cards would fit for each deck, but I’ll try to do it more often, thanks, peace out.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Elemental hero deck

Elemental Hero deck


Fusion gate

Dark hole


Skyscraper 2 hero city


Card destruction

3 E-emergency call

Monster Reborn

3 miracle fusion

Future fusion

Mystical space typhoon

Heavy storm

Reinforcement of the army


Starlight road

Bottomless trap hole

Call of the haunted

Royal decree

Torrential tribute

Mirror force


The earth- hex sealed fusion

Elemental hero heat

3 Elemental hero ocean

3 evil hero infernal prodigy

Elemental hero voltic

Gorz the emissary of darkness

Elemental hero stratos

3 elemental hero wildheart

3 elemental hero neos alius

Extra deck:

3 elemental hero the shining

3 elemental hero absolute zero

Elemental hero gaia

Vision hero trinity

Vision hero adoration

Note: This deck is all about using the most powerful elemental hero fusion monsters, and it has some of the best effect elemental hero monsters. I really like sky scraper 2 hero city which lets me special summon elemental hero monsters destroyed by battle, the emergency call and reinforcement of the army would be best used on stratos or ocean. I’ll consider using another starlight road to protect my spells.