Sunday, August 28, 2011

Immortal/ malefic deck

Malefic Earthbound immortals  deck:


Dark Hole

Monster Reborn

2 forbidden lance

Mystical space typhoon

3 terraforming

2 savage colosseum

2 mystic plasma zone

3 mausoleum of the emperor


Torrential tribute

Return from the different dimension

3 Skill drain

Solemn judgment

Call of the haunted

Starlight road

Mirror force


3 beast king barbarous

3 Malefic truth dragon

3 malefic cyber end dragon

3 malefic stardust dragon

Earthbound immortal chacu challhua

Earthbound immortal cusillu

Earthbound immortal aslla piscu

Earthbound immortal ccarayhua

Note: With this deck I am just relying on being able to draw a field card or skill drain to summon my powerful monsters. Malefic monsters are really easy to summon and skill drain could save them from their self destruct mechanism when the field spell card is gone. I figure will I am running several field spell cards, I might as well run mausoleum of the emperor which allows me to summon earthbound immortals, hope you have fun with this deck.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Banishing anti-meta deck

Banishing anti-meta deck:


Smashing ground

2 mystical space typhoon

3 dimensional fissure

Monster reborn

Reinforcement of the army

Swords of revealing light

Dark hole


2 bottomless trap hole

2 dimensional prison

Royal oppression

Mirror force

Return from the different dimension

2 macro cosmos


Morphing jar

Neo-spacian grand mole

Kycoo the ghost destroyer

3 d.d survivor

Spirit reaper

Breaker the magical warrior

3 caius the shadow monarch

3 thunder king rai-oh

2 d.d. warrior lady

Gorz the emissary of darkness

2 banisher of the radiance

2 cyber dragon

Note: This deck relies on d.d. survivor to come back again and again when banished, but it has other strong monsters and cards that are good against most decks that relies heavily on the graveyard. Macro cosmos and dimensional fissure plus banisher of the radiance will put a stop to popular decks like Gemini-plants that want to summon from the graveyard but will be unable to dealing with this deck. Also for fun, I am trying to holo out this deck as much as possible. J

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dragunity deck

Dragunity deck


Monster reborn

Card destruction

Foolish burial

2 Mystical space typhoon

Cards of consonance

2 dragon ravine

Dark hole

2 stamping destructions


Dimensional prison

Call of the haunted

Starlight road

2 bottomless trap hole

Mirror force

2 icarus attack

Torrential tribute


Dragunity primus pilus

Dragunity militum

2 dragunity aklys

2 dragunity arma leyvaten

2 dragunity arma mystletainn

2 dragunity brandistock

Dragunity darkspear

Dragunity javelin

2 dragunity dux

2 dragunity legionnaire

3 masked dragon

Extra deck:

Dragunity knight-trident

Dragunity knight vajrayana

Dragunity knight barcha

Dragunity knight gae dearg

Trident dragon

Note: A lot of this deck are in twos because I only got two of the dragunity starter decks and didn’t want to get another one, but if you can, put in three dragunity ravines, it will really speed up the deck. I’m still not to familiar with this deck, but the goal is to equip monsters to monsters as many time as possible to power them up.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Another wednesday

I haven't been up to much lately. I like to sleep a lot, but this fall I'll be taking research methods and statistics, the last two psychology classes I need before I transfer to cal state fullerton. Wish me luck.